Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Fear Not (Luke 12:32)

This is my share a Bible verse Wednesday. I want to push myself to blogging a bible verse every week on Wednesday. Today's verse is found in Luke 12:32. I am already loving how it begins! "FEAR NOT". I placed that in caps as a reminder. I can see in my life how many times I know, God was like hey angelica fear not. I know this for me is security. Its states that it gives the Father "GOOD PLEASURE" to give YOU the kingdom. Its his will. He want, his desire is to give the kingdom to his flock. Its giving us hope and assurance that he only wants the best! I mean the kingdom!!! COME ON !!. Its not about worldly possessions. He only wants  the best for you! Do be anxious. Seek him. :)

Friday, March 6, 2015

1st Year of Marriage

{me& Zeke (husband) 3 years ago }
Where do I begin? I still remember the feeling in my stomach before walking down the aisle. I was standing there in my dress with my flower girls. I could look out this window and see all my family. I knew that this was the day that would change my life forever in a good way. As I walked down the hall into the Sanctuary my palms were sweating. Its something rare to get my nerves all in a bunch. I knew that the end of the aisle was my best friend. I kept telling myself I was going to be okay as long as I made it by his side. I remember looking at him as I walked and forgetting everything!! My mind went blank I was in tears! The actual ceremony had not even started I was overwhelmed. I could not believe this was truly happening to ME! How many people get to marry someone the knew since they were 5 years old? I knew everything about his life and he knew mine. Hes wasn't just my best friend but I trust him with my heart. I didn't want my wedding to be about a huge ceremony. I wanted the focus to be about how God can be present not only in this commitment...but be remembered for years to come. We could feel God in everything we did.There is nothing better than to feel God there.... with you.... present.... as you as say YES to the love of your life. It was one of the most happiest day ever! From that point on my husband has taken care of me. I feel the safest with him by my side. I miss him so much when hes away doing errands. We do have problems, but nothing bigger than our love for each other. I could have a bad day and then just like that he would make me laugh. We could be both mad at each other or different things but with just one thing everything changes for the better. We dated but being married is different. Being married is opening yourself to share everything about you. Its like you are both vulnerable no shields up and trusting each other with that.I love how John Piper put it.

"Marriage, the roots are Deep. The covenant is solid.  Love is sweet. Life is hard. And God is Good."
 -John Piper

Marriage is a covenant that has deep roots. I cant hold nothing back from my husband. Hes knows my all at my worst and at my best. We couldn't do it without God helping us and guiding our life. Cant wait for all the adventures that awaits us! We got one year down now lets see where forever will takes us !!
Wedding day 2-8-14


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