Wednesday, December 30, 2015

26th Birthday & last post of this year! BYE 2015

all my Instagram pictures from 2015 
My birthday just happened at the beginning of this month. I am feeling great. I am thinking the older I get  the more exciting it is. I know people can shy from their age. For me I feel Gods blessings are becoming more known in my life. Yes I get distracted ALOT! I intend to forget this is what God has done. I always need a reminder of where I came from. Where he saved me from.One thing God has shown me from the moment we started this year and until now is Family. When I felt the most lowest they lead me to my healer.When I was about to give up they held my hand and prayed over me. They reminded me over and over again what God sees in me. I am a MESS!! They still want me around. hahahaha. The thing is they have always been here....I was not. They always open their heart and I wouldn't budge.I had a lot problems with my family.I kinda felt alone most of my life in that area. I am happy and privileged to be apart of a God loving Family.This year came with struggles. I am learning that every trial only makes me stronger. I thank God he never left my side. This year has also  brought many joys. His blessings in my life. Hes love for me. My husband who is amazing. I prayed for him many years ago. I know he answered my prayer. Hes everything I asked the Lord for him to be more. So to this 2015 I can say Goodbye! I am ready for 2016!

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