Wednesday, December 30, 2015

26th Birthday & last post of this year! BYE 2015

all my Instagram pictures from 2015 
My birthday just happened at the beginning of this month. I am feeling great. I am thinking the older I get  the more exciting it is. I know people can shy from their age. For me I feel Gods blessings are becoming more known in my life. Yes I get distracted ALOT! I intend to forget this is what God has done. I always need a reminder of where I came from. Where he saved me from.One thing God has shown me from the moment we started this year and until now is Family. When I felt the most lowest they lead me to my healer.When I was about to give up they held my hand and prayed over me. They reminded me over and over again what God sees in me. I am a MESS!! They still want me around. hahahaha. The thing is they have always been here....I was not. They always open their heart and I wouldn't budge.I had a lot problems with my family.I kinda felt alone most of my life in that area. I am happy and privileged to be apart of a God loving Family.This year came with struggles. I am learning that every trial only makes me stronger. I thank God he never left my side. This year has also  brought many joys. His blessings in my life. Hes love for me. My husband who is amazing. I prayed for him many years ago. I know he answered my prayer. Hes everything I asked the Lord for him to be more. So to this 2015 I can say Goodbye! I am ready for 2016!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

I am Alive

I have this song on repeat. It reminds me that hes in the middle of all the chaos. It brings me peace. I wanted to share just in case someone needs a reminder today. Hes there. Even though it all seems crazy and unstable hes working. Lets keep pressing towards him.

my hands are searching for you

My arms are outstretched towards you

I feel you on my fingertips

My tongue dances behind my lips for you

This fire rising through my being

Burning, I'm not used to seeing you

 I'm alive,
 I'm alive

I can feel you all around me

Thickening the air I'm breathing

Holding on to what I'm feeling

Savoring this heart that's healing

My hands float up above me
 And you whisper you love me

And I begin to fade

Into our secret place - Flyleaf (All Around me) 

( Thank you for reading) 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

He loves me

He is jealous for me, loves like a hurricane, I am a tree.
Bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy.When all of a sudden I am unaware of these afflictions.Eclipsed by glory and I realize just how beautiful You are, And how great Your affections are for me - How he loves (David Crowder) 
I am reminded everyday of the love he has for me. It might be easy to say yes!! Jesus loves me!!! Its different to accept it. Myself coming from a child hood that didn't really focus on loving each other or even showing affection. It seemed crazy to me to know that all this was done for me. He never asked for anything in returned to save my life. Everything He does is out of pure love. God looked at our life and said I want you. I want you to be a part of my family and I am willing to pay whatever price.He did it giving his son to die on the cross. Be reminded today that He loves you!!

And we are His portion and He is our prize. Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes

How he loves (David Crowder)

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

About my camp experience this summer

I wanted to share a little about my experience at camp this summer.  Me and husband had the honor to host this year’s camp to a local church. We had a blast. Was I nervous? Yes! Like 85% of the time I kept thinking what I am I going to say or do. I was so nervous about speaking that I still don’t remember if I ate. It all went away with time. When Gods presence was in the room everything else was forgotten. All I could do is be happy to be in his atmosphere. I meet all these girls and we shared things about our life before the curfew when up every night. I thought I would feel weird not sleeping in my own bed. At the end I didn’t want to leave!! I am looking at myself like why can’t I be 16 again? I want to stay at camp forever. I was very moved by all the love and support. Days at camp felt like minutes!  If anyone who has a opportunity to volunteer at a camp…. I say DO IT! Just like every ministry we need all the help we can get. J  
Theses are the only pictures I had time to take! Its not many & I am missing way more pictures. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Do you know what I want from you?

Hello JULY!!! I am back to blogging! I had taken some time off to reflect and learn. Yes it is Wednesday. I thought perfect timing! I am growing each time in my walk with God. I can see how he clearly has my family in his hands. Everyone keeps asking if we will have kids soon. I use to get kinda of sad in the beginning because I kept thinking maybe it is suppose to happen now. I could only see what’s in front of me. The doubt made me sad and grew into making me feel like a failure. I felt that way because this is one thing I couldn’t accomplish. I couldn’t say I am a woman if I didn’t bear children right now. I am laughing now as I read this!! This was my mentality . I was way far from what God needed me to do. I was to busy thinking God doesn’t want me to become a mom. My heart wants to be a mother. That had became my focus. I even got to a point to feeling like I didn’t want kids ever. Which is CRAZY? I know!!! but my heart had been hurt thinking all theses negative things. Then as I prayed one day I could hear God say. Do you know what I want from you? I am thinking God I am serving I am doing this and that at church. I then felt my heart ache. I asked God to forgive me. I understood that while doing this I never really did what he needed from me. I had put all thoughts and dreams in becoming a mom for myself! I left what he needed from me behind. I knew God has plenty of milestones I need to accomplish before I could even teach and raise my own children. My life direction switched. I see how God is opening doors and raining down his blessings upon our life. I know when it’s his time all of that will happen. I know he does everything perfect! I want that for my family to be in God’s hands all the time. I never want it to be me as the compass of this boat (MY FAMILY). I only want his direction always! I am happier than ever excited for everything that’s going to happen. I am grateful for everything he has given us. I can say me and my husband are blessed! Pleasing HIM is all we want!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Love your neighbor :)

For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”         Galatians 5:14 (NIV)
My verse today is in Galatians. This is a tough one. It is possible to do.... but hard! I am being COMPLETELY  honest. Its hard to love people especially if you don't really know them. I am a person who is not very sharing at first. I know the Lord is working in my life to be more open to everyone. I know its even harder when people have done some pretty messed up things. We have to try and love. Today's verse is a reminder for myself. I CAN forget very easily that I am suppose to have love FOR EVERYONE!I have to be ready to love in every situation. I need have some one on one time with God. I have to stay connected to the source to give. I CAN'T GIVE WHAT I DO NOT HAVE. Just a reminder :)

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Radiance and Exact Imprint

I waited to blog this during the week. As week reflect on this Holy week I cant help but to be in tears. Its such a awe experience. We remember the sacrifice he made for us. He humbled himself took all of our shame, guilty and blame. He saved me. Hes still saving me. He doesn't stop loving me. He PURIFIED OUR SINS! He made it white as snow. There is no greater love.  Hes the RADIANCE of the Glory of God!! He UPHOLDS the UNIVERSE by the word of HIS POWER! after being crucified he rose on the 3rd day and sat at the right hand of the majesty on high! I will live to worship and praise his name always. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Fear Not (Luke 12:32)

This is my share a Bible verse Wednesday. I want to push myself to blogging a bible verse every week on Wednesday. Today's verse is found in Luke 12:32. I am already loving how it begins! "FEAR NOT". I placed that in caps as a reminder. I can see in my life how many times I know, God was like hey angelica fear not. I know this for me is security. Its states that it gives the Father "GOOD PLEASURE" to give YOU the kingdom. Its his will. He want, his desire is to give the kingdom to his flock. Its giving us hope and assurance that he only wants the best! I mean the kingdom!!! COME ON !!. Its not about worldly possessions. He only wants  the best for you! Do be anxious. Seek him. :)

Friday, March 6, 2015

1st Year of Marriage

{me& Zeke (husband) 3 years ago }
Where do I begin? I still remember the feeling in my stomach before walking down the aisle. I was standing there in my dress with my flower girls. I could look out this window and see all my family. I knew that this was the day that would change my life forever in a good way. As I walked down the hall into the Sanctuary my palms were sweating. Its something rare to get my nerves all in a bunch. I knew that the end of the aisle was my best friend. I kept telling myself I was going to be okay as long as I made it by his side. I remember looking at him as I walked and forgetting everything!! My mind went blank I was in tears! The actual ceremony had not even started I was overwhelmed. I could not believe this was truly happening to ME! How many people get to marry someone the knew since they were 5 years old? I knew everything about his life and he knew mine. Hes wasn't just my best friend but I trust him with my heart. I didn't want my wedding to be about a huge ceremony. I wanted the focus to be about how God can be present not only in this commitment...but be remembered for years to come. We could feel God in everything we did.There is nothing better than to feel God there.... with you.... present.... as you as say YES to the love of your life. It was one of the most happiest day ever! From that point on my husband has taken care of me. I feel the safest with him by my side. I miss him so much when hes away doing errands. We do have problems, but nothing bigger than our love for each other. I could have a bad day and then just like that he would make me laugh. We could be both mad at each other or different things but with just one thing everything changes for the better. We dated but being married is different. Being married is opening yourself to share everything about you. Its like you are both vulnerable no shields up and trusting each other with that.I love how John Piper put it.

"Marriage, the roots are Deep. The covenant is solid.  Love is sweet. Life is hard. And God is Good."
 -John Piper

Marriage is a covenant that has deep roots. I cant hold nothing back from my husband. Hes knows my all at my worst and at my best. We couldn't do it without God helping us and guiding our life. Cant wait for all the adventures that awaits us! We got one year down now lets see where forever will takes us !!
Wedding day 2-8-14

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Dont Give Up!

Life is hard and even harder when Christ isn't there to uphold you. Maybe you've lost someone closest to you. It could be financially or you feel discourage to continue. All I can say is God is better and bigger! He knows when you wake up and when you lay down with the condition of your heart. We might try to be strong and hold it in. It makes our heart heavy. Only God can carry the burdens. Only God can restore our heart. Cling yourself to him and don't let go. Don't Give in to temptation. Don't Give up! With God everything is possible!!!Nothing is bigger than HE. I think about the lyrics of The great I AM. 
Hallelujah, holy, holy
God Almighty, the great I AM
Who is worthy, none beside Thee
God Almighty, the great I AM

The mountains shake before You the demons run and flee
At the mention of the name King of Majesty
There is no power in hell
Or any who can stand
Before the power and the presence of the great I AM

There is NO power NO problem NO Situation Nothing that can stand before HIS presence!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Wooooship Music

I would to like to share some worship songs that I love. Theses Songs have made me closer to his presence. I have so many!!!!!!!!! I tried to put as many as I could remember. This is what my playlist consisted of in the year 2014! I have done both Spanish and English. :) I cant say which I prefer more. All I can say is I start my praying in English and end in Spanish all the time!! May this playlist inspire, draw and move you closer to his presence. 

English list
Without You- Tasha Cobbs  ( )
Great Are You Lord -All Sons and Daughters (
Sing My Love -Jesus Culture ( )
You Deserve The Glory -Juanita Bynum ( )
 Let The Heavens Open- Kari Jobe (
Jesus At The Center - Darlene Zschech ( )
No Other Name-Planetshakers (
Keeper of My Heart- Kari Jobe (
Made For Worship –Planetshakers(
 Leave Me Astounded –Planetshakers(

Spanish list
Uma Coisa Peço Ao Senhor –  Fernandinho ( )*** ( portuguese but if you speak spanish you can kinda tell the translation)
Mi Corazón- Un Corazón, Evan Craft, & Lluvia Richards (
Gracia Sin Fin cover - Evan Craft (
Tu Presencia Es El Cielo -Christine D'Clario(
Yo quiero estar donde vos estas- Valor interior(
Océanos cover- Evan Craft & Carley Redpath(\
Jesús En El Centro - Israel Houghton( )
Tuyo Soy- Cover {Priscilla Bueno}
Él Nos Ama- Christine D'Clario (
Tu amor me inundó COVER -Hillsong Young & Free (

 ** Each link will take you to YOUTUBE. You can find more information on where to buy the actual song or album. Comment below what is your favorite song!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Forgiveness is necessary. The consequences of forgiveness is many. One of the consequence I see most is Bitterness. Its so easy to walk from things that are hard to deal with. I found it easier to ignore people when I didn't want to deal with stuff I had going on. Example when I found myself stressing or having a problem .. I would sit in my room alone in the dark and think about it. I would turn off my phone shut everyone out. I did not want help. I especially did not want to share it with my friends. I kept to myself. I never wanted to face it the truth so I ran from it. I ran from friends who actually wanted to help. Years went by and I realized that I needed to let go. I had so much baggage from not forgiving people. I can say I was once Bitter. I hated certain people and what they did. I was never truly happy. I would always...always complain. I never felt restful at night. I would fake I was okay, when deep down I just wanted to cry. I was 95% of the time angry. I do not know how people were so nice to me. I knew in the bottom of my heart God was not pleased with my anger. The Word of God lets us know that rage, anger and bitter we must get rid of it.  

Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.  Ephesians 4:31-32 (NIV)

There is not room in my heart to feel theses things. I must have compassion to thoses who have done wrong to me. Yes even if what they did was messed up. I am no one to stand above anyone. We have to forgive. One of the beautiful things we have is Forgiveness for our sins. We cant say we know what Gods forgiveness is if we cant give that to others. Take some time to look at the video posted by one of my sisters in Christ. Shes gives a great understanding of what forgiveness is. 


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